Our services Véhicule Utilitaire


Annonces de voiture Belgique

Retrouvez toutes les annonces de voiture d'occasion ou neuf en Belgique avec Youcar BE.

Youcar BE

Help & information

Help & information

Light-commercial-van.com is a classified ads site of used industrial vehicle, purchase commercial vehicle, used commercial vehicle. It aims to connect buyers and sellers of used industrial vehicles (utility purchase).

Who are we ?

Browse used ads

Browse used ads

Browse used trucks, vans, commercial vans, light commercials. Look for used equipment according to your criteria.

Browse ads

Place an ad

Place an ad

Post your ads for vans, van, utility chassis cabin or VUL on Net-truck.com, light-commercial-van.com and vehiculesutilitairesmag.com.

Place an ad



The alert service, allows you to be notified by email of the insertion on light-commercial-van.com, of vehicles matching your search criteria.

Déposer une alerte

Multicast gateways

Multicast gateways

You post your ads on different ad formats online. Be aware that setting up multiple ad serving gateways can save you valuable time.

Multi-Broadcast Gateways

Special Offer

Special Offer

Our Special Offer PRO is intended for used commercial vehicles and heavy trucks professionals: manufacturers, dealers and dealers of commercial and industrial vehicles.

The special offer

Advertising : Advertise

Advertising : Advertise

Advertising service - Advertise on light-commercial-van.com. To gain visibility and increase traffic to your site, place a banner ad on light-commercial-van.com !


Directory of professionals

Directory of professionals

Consult all commercial vehicle and truck sales professionals near you and anywhere in France in just a few clicks !

Directory of professionals

Service mecanique

Service carrosserie, mécanique et vidange de boite

Avec Cotière auto, retrouvez des services pour votre utilitaire. Spécialiste en carrosserie, mécanique et vidange de boite.

Cotière auto